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Wallet icon Coin icon Rate 5 000 € - 6 000 € / month info
Timer icon Form of cooperation Full-time
Briefcase icon Sector Information Technology
Location icon Location Off-site / Brno / Praha

info The reward is calculated upon delivery of 20 MD per month (1MD=8h)

Project duration 12 months with the possibility of extension
Period of cooperation 01.10.2022 - 01.10.2023
Start date 01.10.2022 - 01.11.2022

Project description

  • Participation in the development and improvement of unique products used by renowned companies around the world:
    • EDA solution for design of RISC-V microprocessors
    • LLVM / Clang compiler generator
    • CodAL compiler
  • work on programming tools for RISC-V ISA
  • compiler performance and code size analysis , optimization implementation
  • preparation of CodAL language models for customers
  • testing and writing tests for embedded SW (unit tests, functional tests, development testing)
  • implementation of new functions in the CodAL compiler
  • creating algorithms for analyzing and generating processor functions
  • improving the implementation of IA , CA and profiler simulators
  • development of LLDB support for generated architectures
  • long-term cooperation in agile ( SCRUM ) teams
  • after 2-3 weeks of ON-SITE training (Prague / Brno) cooperation is possible in full OFF-SITE mode, or in combined ON-SITE / OFF-SITE mode (depending on the preferences of the freelancer)

Project requirements

  • min. 4 years of active experience with commercial programming in C ++
  • excellent knowledge of C ++ 11/14
  • at least basic (passive / technical) knowledge of English
  • advantage: interest in hi-end technology
  • advantage of experience with:
    • agile SW development methodology ( SCRUM , KANBAN ...)
    • development and architectures of larger systems
    • development of embedded systems
    • testing and writing tests for embedded SW (unit tests, functional tests, development testing)
    • programming in Python
    • CMake solution
  • advantage knowledge:
    • LLVM framework
    • C ++ 14/17
    • STL
    • versioning tools ( Git , SVN, ...)
    • CodAL language
    • The key and necessary prerequisites for programmers for these projects are:
      • keep things as simple as possible [KISS principle]
      • have strong analytical and algorithmic thinking - the ability to think about the correctness, structure and simplicity of code [SOLID principles]
      • think logically - use more reason than your fingers behind the keyboard 😊
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