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Wallet icon Coin icon Rate 4 800 € - 6 000 € / month info
Timer icon Form of cooperation Full-time / 80% Remote
Briefcase icon Sector Healthcare
Location icon Location Bratislava, Žilina

info The reward is calculated upon delivery of 20 MD per month (1MD=8h)

Project duration 12 months with the possibility of extension
Period of cooperation 08.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Start date 01.12.2023 or by agreement
  • C#
  • English flag English - active, B2/C1/C2
  • Slovak or Czech flag Slovak or Czech - active, B2/C1/C2

Project description

  • participation in the development of a proprietary test framework in the C# language
  • creation of test scenarios
  • proposal and design of automated tests using test tools and test frameworks
  • participation in the creation of automated test scripts for various types of tests
    • API tests
    • Performance tests
    • E2E tests
  • communication with product developers in order to ensure the final quality of the software product
  • cooperation is possible in a combined REMOTE / ON-SITE (1 day per week ON-SITE in Bratislava or Žilina)

Project requirements

  • min. 4-year project experience in software development and automated testing
  • experience with programming in C# / .NET
  • your character traits are:
    • you have a great sense of detail
    • you are not indifferent to the quality of the final product, especially when it comes to human health
    • you like to research, try, look for software bugs
    • you want to creatively design new test procedures
  • you do not lack practical knowledge of SW testing methodology and SW development methodology ( TDD & BDD )
  • do you have experience with:
    • continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD)
    • using tracking/documentation tools (e.g. JIRA, Confluence)
  • your big advantage is:
    • knowledge of Azure tools ( Azure Test Plans, Azure Pipelines )
    • practice with scripting languages ( PowerShell )
    • knowledge of IT security and basic network protocols
    • certification in the field of testing ( ISTQB )
  • you have excellent communication skills
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